Our Services
Energy Market PolicyFrank Lacey has been qualified as an expert and has provided oral or written testimony over 50 times, including testifying at FERC technical conferences and in front of state utility commissions and legislatures. Frank has spoken at dozens of trade shows and industry events as an expert on the most pressing regulatory issues. He is widely recognized for his ability to explain complex industry issues in simple terms that policy makers can digest.
Policy Services

Regulatory Policy Experts
Communications — Nearly every state utility commission is considering some type of change that can impact your business. EAConsulting will provide technically accurate, yet easily understandable communications services to commissions, legislatures or other market stakeholders and influencers.
Regulatory — EAConsulting will review, summarize and explain technical regulatory filings in a manner that everyone in your organization can understand. This enables you to better manage your business in the face of potential change. EAConsulting will participate on your behalf in regulatory proceedings by attending meetings, drafting comments or providing expert witness testimony to support your business plans.
Issue Advocacy — EAConsulting will support your efforts to drive issues through the regulatory and legislative processes. Services include drafting whitepapers or other communications support, analytical support, and direct outreach to policy makers.
Case Studies
- For a large competitive retail electric supplier, Frank negotiated with regulatory, legislative and executive branch policy makers to pave the way for a small utility to move all of its retail customers to a competitively offered retail service. The move required changes to certain regulations, waivers of certain tariff provisions and mandates to the utility cooperating with the retail supplier to make the transition as smooth as possible.
- On behalf of a retail supplier, Frank worked with regulatory and legislative leaders to prevent a utility from moving between RTOs. The move would have resulted in significant financial losses for the retail supplier.
- For a demand response provider, Frank worked within the stakeholder process at an ISO to change the measurement and verification (M&V) rules to move the market in a direction that would benefit new demand response technologies and begin to move older and less reliable resources out of the market.
- For a large PJM energy market participant, Frank led the stakeholder process to change the rules regarding credit requirements allowing his foreign-owned client to eliminate a significant cash collateral position and replace it with a parental guarantee.